What makes Redeemer unique?

In a word? The Gospel.

The gospel means “good news.” And the good news is that Jesus, though His death and resurrection, has made a new and living way for men to be reconciled with God and experience forgiveness, transformation and hope.

The gospel is at the heart of all we do at Redeemer. It’s what we’re all about. It’s the good news we need to remember and re-believe every day.

It’s because we love Jesus and the gospel that we come together…

  • to express our love and gratitude for God through heartfelt, passionate worship (John 4:24)
  • to understand God and His ways better by digging deep into His word (Romans 12:2, James 1:22).
  • to love one another as Christ loved us (John 13:34-35, Eph. 5:25-27).
  • to be culturally aware and missionally focused, helping others learn about Jesus and the good news (1 Tim. 1:11).
  • to find effective ways to express the love of God for people in need (Matt. 25:31-46).

At Redeemer, we take God’s Word seriously. We believe every Christian has a responsibility to dig deep into Scripture to understand what the Bible says, what it means, how it applies, and how it points us to Jesus and the gospel. In our Sunday worship services, we often take time to work our way through long passages or entire books. We also occasionally take time to consider what God’s Word has to say about specific subjects or topics.

As we study God’s Word together, we are asking God’s Spirit to transform our lives by the renewing of our minds. We do not study the Bible to become smarter people. We study the Bible to become more Christ-like people. And that is something that God does in us as we devote ourselves to thinking carefully about what He has revealed to us in His holy, living, and active Word.

Are you part of any denomination?

No. But we are excited to see God at work in fresh ways in many denominations and local churches.​

Children's Classes | COVID 2021

We love children! While God gives parents the primary responsibility for training and discipling their children, the local church as a covenant community of believers has a responsibility to be integral partners in the process of raising children in the faith.

That means when we gather for worship each week, helping children know and love Jesus is a priority for us. Our Sunday morning classes use the Gospel Project curriculum to help children see that the gospel is what the Bible is all about. During COVID-19, this looks a little different.

  • We offer childcare for children 0-3 years of age during our Sunday 10am worship service.
  • A prerecorded “GospelZone” video (geared toward preschoolers) is shown on Sunday at 9:40am before our service is live streamed. The video is also posted on Redeemer’s Facebook page for viewing throughout the week.
  • If your child is joining you in the service, feel free to pick up a “Quiet bag” that is filled with activity sheets and other activities to help children stay quiet.

Classes during our Sunday morning service will be offered for all ages once COVID-19 guidelines allow and the church leadership feels wise about relaunching in a safe and healthy way.

  • Nursery: Birth-approximately 1 year of age (until the child begins walking). Caregivers cuddle, rock, and play with children, as well as provide for their physical needs.
  • Toddlers: Walkers-Potty Trained. Caregivers supervise free play, have story time, read books, and sometimes craft time.
  • Preschool Classes: Children engage in supervised free play, have story time, music and prayer time, along with activity and/or crafts that relate to the biblical truth.
    • Pre K3: Once Potty Trained-4th Birthday.
    • K4/K5: 4th Birthday-Kindergarten.
  • Gospel-Zone: 1st-5th Grades. In the Worship service with parents until the sermon. Then dismissed for a Gospel Project lesson (split in two classes…1st-2nd and 3rd-5th) with passionate teachers prepared to point children to Jesus!

Why do you take communion every week?

Because it points us each week to Jesus and the gospel. Communion, or the Lord’s Supper (https://redeemerlr.org/newcomers) or Eucharist (thanksgiving), is a tangible way to proclaim the death of Jesus until he returns (1 Cor. 11:26). We like to end our worship service by celebrating communion. It strengthens our faith and focuses our attention on what is most important (1 Cor. 15:1-3). Communion reminds us that unless we feast upon Christ in our hearts by faith we cannot please God (Heb. 11:6). And it reminds us that we are God’s children who live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4).

Who’s the preacher?

One of our elders, Bob Lepine, serves as our primary teaching pastor. Other gifted men fill the pulpit on occasion, and we also have guest teachers who will from time to time preach for us.

What’s the music like: contemporary or traditional?

It’s a mix. Our goal as a diverse congregation is to sing and worship together in one voice. To better understand our philosophy of music in corporate worship, our Worship Statement is linked below.​

Is Redeemer a “seeker” church?

No. And yes. Our hope is that anyone who comes to a worship service at Redeemer will feel welcome, regardless of his or her spiritual background. But the primary purpose of our time together each week is to gather as followers of Jesus to express corporately the greatness of God and our love for Him.