Kids Ministry

Kids playing
RCC Kids Logo
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!
— Psalm 127:3–5a

At Redeemer, we want to assist and support parents as they guide and train their children. We believe the Bible teaches that moms and dads have the primary responsibility for the spiritual development of their children. As we spend time with children in our Children’s Ministry, our goal is to reinforce and support the training and instruction the children are receiving at home. In addition, everyone who is part of Redeemer is also part of the larger “covenant family” with a responsibility to share in spiritually equipping and training the next generation.

“He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach their children; that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments…”
— Ps. 78:5-7

Our vision and prayer for the children of Redeemer:

  • KNOW God and His character, learning to trust in Him in all of life
  • GROW into passionately obedient followers (disciples) of Jesus Christ
  • GO into their world of relationships to share His reconciling, forgiving love with others.

Nursery - Birth to 1 year

Birth-approximately 1 year of age (until the child begins walking). Caregivers cuddle, rock, and play with children, as well as provide for their physical needs.

Nursing Mama's Room

If you are new at Redeemer and have a baby with you in service, we have a Nursing Mama’s Room located in the foyer. There you will find a private, quiet setting where you can feed your infant, change a diaper, or rock your little one to sleep.

Toddlers / Walkers / Potty Trained

Caregivers supervise free play, have story time, read books, and sometimes craft time.

Pre-School Class

Caregivers prepare and provide story, music, prayer, and missions times rooted in a Gospel lesson from Scripture. Preschoolers will engage in supervised free play and or craft times.

Gospel Zone - Ages 6-5th grade

Every other Sunday, 1st-5th grades stay in the Worship service with parents until the sermon. Then they are dismissed for a Gospel Zone ( lesson with passionate teachers prepared to point children to Jesus!​

Check-In/Pick-Up Procedure

All children MUST be checked in using Redeemer’s check-in kiosks by PARENTS (only if they will be in any of the offered classes during Sunday morning). Children will wear their name/allergy/emergency label during class time. Caregivers will not be allowed to offer care if children have not been checked in properly. PARENTS will be provided a security label which is the way children will be picked up once the service concludes.​


Please keep your cell phone with you and on vibrate during the service. This is the only way for our caregivers to communicate with you if necessary.


Please label all of your child’s personal belongings (bottles, cups, jackets, etc.)


Babies: we are happy to feed your baby a bottle during the service. We ask that all bottles be labeled and premixed.

Toddlers and Preschool: we offer a snack of water and Cheerios (Corn Chex mix available for gluten free option) during the service. Please label cups if one is brought from home. The classes are stocked with sippy cups and paper cups if you don’t provide one.

Please inform Jen Gurney, the Children’s Ministry Director, if you do NOT want church snacks/drinks to be given to your child.​


Parents of children with any serious allergies or medical conditions must make sure that information is in our “check-in system.”

If a child contracts a serious communicable illness, parents have the responsibility to notify the Children’s Ministry Director so other parents may be notified as necessary.

Caregivers have the right to refuse a child on the basis of symptoms as listed below. (In certain instances Redeemer Community Church reserves the right to request clearance by a family physician before allowing a child to return to care.)

A child should not be placed in care when any of the following exists:

  • Fever higher than 100 degrees. Children should be fever free for 24 hours prior.
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Any colored nasal discharge
  • Sore throat
  • Productive (wet) cough or croupy (barking) cough
  • Any unexplained rash or open skin lesion
  • Any skin infection
  • Any eye infection or drainage
  • Any communicable disease of infestation
  • Looks or acts unusually tired, pale, irritable, or restless.

Child Dedication Sunday

At least once a year, as part of our morning worship (usually on Mother’s Day), we take time to celebrate the gift of new sons and daughters and to pledge our support as a church to moms and dads who want to dedicate their children to God. This is an opportunity for parents to commit themselves to raising their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). And it’s an opportunity for everyone to commit to supporting and serving parents as they raise their children.


Jen Gurney

Jen Gurney

Children's and Women's Ministry Director

Jen Gurney serves as our Children’s Ministry Director. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact her at 859-771-6580 or