Something awesome happens when men get together
Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). And when men get together with other men who know and love Jesus, we become better men, husbands and dads. Everyone benefits when a man becomes a more godly man.
Here are a few of the ways we connect together as men at Redeemer.
Redeemer Men's Institute

Men – Let’s talk about September 12
On that Thursday night, we’ll kick off the first of nine meetings for the Redeemer Men’s Institute. The goal of this new effort is to help each of us assess our individual personal strengths and weaknesses related to spiritual leadership, and to help us all select an area or two where we can begin to intentionally pursue growth.
You should come. Dates and topics will be posted soon.
- Redeemer Men's Institute will begin again on September 12, 2024. For more information on Redeemer Men's Institute, email Matt Gurney, Associate Pastor at
MEN'S Bible Study
On Tuesdays at noon at Pastor Matt's house, we will be studying the second half of the book of Acts. This is open to all men and we will always be done no later than 1 pm. Hope you can join us. For more info email Pastor Matt at


For more information: Contact Jim McMurry at
- Ushers
- Security Team
- Greeter Team
- For more information about men’s ministry at Redeemer, email Matt Gurney.