Serving since May 2017 with TeachBeyond

Region: Global
Service Location: TeachBeyond Global Centre, UK
Service Roles: Global Director of Educational Services, Joe
Administrative Director of Open Schools Worldwide, Dana
As global Director of Educational Services, Joe is responsible to coordinate educational programs and projects in sixty countries including schools, camps, language centers, and higher education.His personal focus is schools from startups and leadership to teachers and curriculum in national Christian schools, missionary and church schools, evangelistic schools, and international Christian schools. He visits new projects, recruits and trains leaders, develops resources and structures for a rapidly expanding organization, and defines and implements educational philosophy and practice rooted in Christ. All using education as missions to share Christ and help disciples grow as we serve our broken world with the hope of the Good News.
Dana’s work with Open Schools Worldwide includes organizing communication and resources, connecting Open Schools to TeachBeyond, and learning and supporting programs and people. Much of her time is communicating, visiting, and understanding Open Schools Worldwide and placing it in the TeachBeyond organization as an integral service that brings education to marginalized children in the poorest areas of the world:
Contact Joe and Dana
- WhatsApp or phone: +44 7388121039, Joe, or +44 7387866649, Dana.
- Email: or
- Post: 4 Farriers Court, London Road, Horsham, West Sussex, UK RH12 1BA
- Ministry newsletter: Email Joe or Dana, or follow this link to join:
Pray: For continued health and service, to follow God wholeheartedly, and usefulness.
Give: Join our partners to support ongoing monthly needs or give one time gifts that meet shortages and care for unusual needs:
Go: See if God has a place for you! Look here and to “go”: