Serving with Engineering Ministries International (EMI) Since 2012
Update April 25, 2021
John is currently training a number of leaders to expand our worldwide offices by five, as well as leading occasional crisis management teams (like EMI’s response to COVID-19). He assists in conflict management and implements other organizational changes to keep EMI’s missionaries holistically healthy and sustainable overseas--rather than burning through these valuable kingdom workers. We believe effective discipleship around the world begins with how we love one another (John 13:35).
We covet your prayers for this work of the Gospel and in bringing hope to the poorest of the poor.
EMI is a non-profit Christian development organization designing facilities that serve the poor in developing countries. These facilities (hospitals, orphanages, schools, clean water projects, etc.) directly impact communities by meeting physical needs and communicating God’s love in a practical way.
We partner with Christian workers, pastors, and other non-profits who have a vision to help the poor and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Employing primarily local construction labor in our Construction Management program provides a ripe mission field for intentional evangelism and discipleship.
The vision of EMI is a challenge to be involved in God's work of restoration--people restored by God, and the world restored through design.
Children: Baden, William, Corinne, Jack
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