Little Door International is dedicated to helping fellow Christians respond to the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) in the poverty-stricken nation of Myanmar.
Myanmar, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (also known as Burma), is a sovereign state in South East Asia bordered by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand.
During his time in the jungle of the old Burma, the American Baptist missionary Adonirum Judson spoke about the intensity of prayer which I think is appropriate to quote here for our encouragement. Judson states,
"God loves importunate prayer so much that He will not give us ... blessings without it."
Would you please pray, a prayer that is persistent, especially to the point of annoyance or intrusion that God's will shall be done on us as it is in heaven.
In his glorious vineyard ~ Henry Lyan
Teaching – Several teams travel to Myanmar each year at their own expense to teach the Word of God to students in Bible schools, seminaries, and churches. When doing so, they are trying to model good teaching styles for the students, primarily through expository messages working through the books of the Bible.
Providing Study Materials – We help provide study tools, such as computers, generators to operate those computers, and Bible study software. As directors of the Myanmar Christian Literature Group we translate and print sound Bible study material in their native languages. Currently we are working on a new translation of the New Testament into the Hakha Chin language. There are 600,000 Chins (one of the 8 tribes in Myanmar) who do not have a real translation in their language. When completed this will probably be our most lasting contribution and most important tool given to the people of that tribe.
Purchasing Land and Constructing Buildings – We have financially underwritten the purchase of land and construction of buildings for Bible schools, seminaries, churches, day schools, and orphanages. We provide the funds, general planning, and oversight, but the local people do the actual construction work.
Setting Up Self-supporting Cottage Industries – We have attempted to place most of the entities—the schools, seminaries, and the orphanages and day care centers—into some form of small business to help them support themselves. We want the people and institutions to be able to take care of themselves and to provide for their needs in the future. Thus far, we have purchased several vehicles, farms, a sewing business, retail stores, a small trucking operation, and a water purification business.
We also support one of our key man in Myanmar, Henry Lyan. Henry and his family are in Louisville, KY, where Henry works on his Doctorate at Southern Seminary. As President of Berean Evangelical School of Theology, Henry will be recognized as a scholar in residence. That fact should draw the most promising Bible students to the school. And we hope, in turn, that those students will receive a first-class biblical education and be sent throughout Myanmar to spread the gospel of Christ.
Little Door International | 14704 Honey Bear Dr | Little Rock, AR 72223
- Tom K. Arnold, President
- Chip Bayer, Urban Harvest Fellowship
- John McCarty, Foothills Bible Church
- Paul Loyd, Crystal Valley Baptist Church
- Greg Scheideman, The Bible Church of Little Rock
- Curtis C. Thomas, Advisor
LDI now on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/littledoorinternational)!