October 9, 2024

Dear Friends,

Let’s test you comic book knowledge.

Do you know who Dr. Bruce Banner is?

“While working U.S. Defense Department at a nuclear research facility in New Mexico, Dr. Banner was exposed to Gamma radiation. And as a result, now in times of stress, Dr. Banner is transformed into the living engine of destruction known as THE INCREDIBLE HULK.”

What is it that turns Bruce Banner into the Hulk? Adrenaline. Stress.

But if you watched the TV show in the late 70’s and early 80’s, you know that what really transformed Dr. Banner into the Hulk was anger. In fact, the best known quote from the show was when Dr. Banner would tell people “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”

We all have a little Hulk in us, don’t we? Some of us are more easily provoked than others. But bring enough heat or stress (or terrible drivers) to bear and watch what happens in our hearts.

John Piper makes this observation about anger. He says “Anger happens. It’s spontaneous. It is not a rational choice. It is an unpremeditated experience. Something happens, and anger rises in our heart. What makes it rise when it does, and with the strength and duration it rises, is a combination of the evil we observe and the condition of our mind and heart.”

Let’s take a quick quiz.

1. Are you someone who “rarely or never gets angry?”
2. Would other people say you have anger issues?
3. How often are you impatient with others? Once or twice a month? Once or twice a week? Every few days? Daily? More than once a day?
4. Do you sometimes yell or raise your voice to get your point across?
5. Have you ever thrown something because you were angry?
6. Have you ever done damage to property because of anger (punched a hole in a wall or kicked something or…)?
7. How often do you find yourself thinking that other people are just a bunch of idiots, and that they just don’t get it?
8. Do you have any control over whether you get angry or not?

Anger is not always sinful. God gets angry. And as Tim Keller points out “If you never get angry about anything, you don’t love anything… Anger is nothing but love in motion when someone or something you love is under threat.”

Author and speaker Rebecca Pippert agrees. She says “Think how we feel when we see someone we love ravaged by unwise actions or relationships. Do we respond with benign tolerance as we might toward strangers? Far from it. Anger isn’t the opposite of love. Hate is, and the final form of hate is indifference.”

As I said, God gets angry. But one of the differences between God’s anger and ours is that His anger is pure and holy and righteous. Your anger may have a righteous root, but there’s always going to be a little sin and self interest.

Another major difference between our anger and God’s anger is that the Bible makes it clear that God is slow to anger. Merciful. Gracious. Abounding in steadfast love and graciousness.

You and me? Not so much.

Tim Keller asks what is the opposite of this anger? The opposite of anger, he says, is not self-control. It’s humility.

Let me suggest a few thoughts for those of you who have found that your inner Hulk is an issue in your life and in your relationships. Let me give you a few ideas on how to deal with the anger in your heart.

1. Confess it. Come clean. Stop the cover up. Those closest to you already know you have an issue here. Admit to yourself that this is an issue in your life. Then confess to God that you have sinned against Him with your anger. And third, confess to people in your small group or folks you can trust that this is an issue for you, and you need their help and their accountability.

Bring the issue out in the light. Sin loses its power in the light.

2. Look past the behavior to your heart. What’s going on there? What are the triggers? What are the things you care about too much? What is the hurt you’re trying to protect yourself from?

3. And while you’re looking at your heart, ask the question “Am I trying to live a self-governed life? Or am I living a life dependent on His grace, turning to Him daily for strength to live a godly life, and relying on His Spirit to transform my heart and life?

4. Renew your mind. Hide God’s word in your heart. Memorize James 1:19-20. Memorize Colossians 3:8. Or any number of Proverbs that deal with anger.

5. You can’t just put off anger. You have to put on godly virtues. Memorize Colossians 3:12 – put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. And then find a way to demonstrate kindness toward the person or persons with whom you are angry every day. Every day. Do something kind.

And if you find yourself getting angry that your acts of kindness aren’t being appreciated the way you think they should be, do a few more acts of kindness and rejoice knowing that God is pleased by what you’re doing.

6. Believe the gospel again. The gospel humbles your persistent pride. You can’t look long at what God has done for you in sending His Son to die in your place and maintain your anger toward your brother.

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain I count as loss
And pour contempt on all my pride

Bottom line? James says “the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” This is not simply a personality or temperament trait.

Anger is something the Bible tells us to put away. By God’s grace and with His help, you can.

Tyler and Lauren Paridis are rejoicing this week at the arrival of their new baby girl!

You can hop on the meal train and provide a dinner for the family. Click here (https://redeemerlr.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=df57aea0670b59c32464d5bab&id=f4bc3fc3b6&e=fbb0a4052b) to sign up.


Guys – tomorrow night (Thursday) is our second Redeemer Men’s Institute meeting (wives, if you’re reading this, remind your husbands and encourage them to attend). Dr. Danny Hinton will be leading our time.

And guys, there’s still time for you to join Pastor Cole for some friendly competition this Saturday morning at Topgolf! No matter your skill level, come and have a great time of fun and fellowship with other men. You must register to attend (https://redeemerlr.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=df57aea0670b59c32464d5bab&id=f61c4376db&e=fbb0a4052b). The deadline for registration is tomorrow, October 10. So sign up right now. Tonight!


It’s almost Trunk or Treat time! That means it’s time to start collecting candy donations so we will have supplies on hand when the kids show up.

And if you’re interested in setting up a trunk for the kids, Jen Gurney would love to talk to you!


Last Sunday, we saw how the Apostle Paul provides us with an example of what it looks like to live life on mission, sharing the gospel and working hard to make it clear. This Sunday, we’ll look at the opposite example – the Prophet Jonah who famously ran from his assignment to call the Ninevites to repent and turn to God. We’ll learn how not to be a Jonah when it comes to sharing with others the news of God’s grace and mercy.

See you in church.

Soli Deo Gloria!
Pastor Bob

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